The Way Forward Webcasts with Leon Goren

'A Crisis Always Separates the Great Leaders from the Rest of the Pack' with Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry

Leon Goren, PEO Leadership Season 1 Episode 17

There is nothing like a crisis to separate the great leaders from those that have been floating through good economic times. Most leaders know how to deal with certainty, but few understand the importance of being agile when uncertainty surrounds them. On July 28th, as PEO Leadership President and CEO, I will share some of my learnings over my 25 years experience of working with leaders from all over North America, as well as my observations of what has separated the great leaders from the rest of the pack over the last 4 months. I will be joined by special guest, Dr. J.P. Pawliw-Fry, world-renowned leadership expert, New York Time bestselling author, co-founder and president of IHHP, a Fast 100 company (Profit Magazine's fastest growing companies), who will moderate our webcast.   

When times are good, it's very difficult to distinguish between average and great leaders - it takes time and numerous interactions. In a crisis, leadership skills, or a lack thereof, become evident very quickly - it's black and white, there is no gray area. In fact, the impact of leadership skills over the last four months has been so substantial that many leaders will be asked to step down and will be replaced by individuals who rose to the occasion.   

This insightful webcast will provide you with the following takeaways:

  • What differentiated great leaders from the rest of the pack?
  • The importance of EQ and FQ.
  • The importance of having spent the time building the right connections and relationships well before the crisis.
  • How the first 3 weeks of the crisis set the stage of whether a leader would succeed?
  • Why the following 90 days won't get any easier?